City Clerk September 25, 2020

Minutes August 10, 2020


Minutes of Regular Council Meeting
August 10, 2020

The Council and Officers of the City of Windy Hills met virtually by Zoom, at 7:00 P.M. Mayor Davis called the meeting to order.

ROLL CALL: The following were present:

Helen M. Davis Bruce Blue Lisa Kraft
Kate Greer Jim Hodge
Marcia Myers Steve Teaford
Marianne Rademaker
Suzanne Spencer
Laura Trachtenberg


Councilwoman Greer moved to approve the minutes of the July 13, 2020 Council meeting; seconded by Councilman Blue, and approved unanimously.


The financial reports for July 2020 were moved for approval by Councilman Blue, seconded by Councilwoman Myers, and approved unanimously.

Councilwoman Myers moved to approve the July bills, totaling $45,832.91 and was seconded by Councilwoman Trachtenberg. The motion passed unanimously.


Police Report: There were 102 hours of Police support. The police have continued to deal with incidents of vandalism within Windy Hills and thefts from cars parked in residents’ driveways. There was 1 speeding citation and 1 courtesy notice. The police issued one parking ticket and a warning.
Mayor Davis will be representing Windy Hills on the B3TEconomy Focus Team. The first virtual meeting, held on July 15, 2020, was almost 2 hours long and mostly dealt with revitalizing the West End of Louisville.
Most of the Mayor’s time this month has been devoted to the property at 726 Indian Ridge which will be discussed under new business.


Finance/Ordinances: Councilwoman Rademaker reported the 2 year CD at Eclipse Bank matured. It was rolled over into a 1 year CD at .75%.

Code Enforcement – Steve Teaford: Steve Teaford reported he had completed all inspections on rental and vacant properties. Only the Ackerman properties are not done. The property owner at 711 Indian Ridge wants his/her $50.00 waived. Discussed turning over newly paved driveways, without permits, to Attorney Hodge for possible action. Residents are concerned about the Pohl’s building a property fence on their property. The Mayor and Steve Teaford are requesting a meeting with the Pohls to discuss the property. The subject of vegetable gardens in front yards has come up again. Attorney Hodge said Metro addresses the subject.

Community Caring/Health & Fitness/Welcome to Windy Hills – Councilwoman Spencer: Councilwoman Spencer reported she and 5 other women – Joyce Brown, Carla McMillan, Betsy, Emily, and Jody Smiley, worked on trimming back weeds at the Westport Road/I264 interchange. Normally, this is a Dismas House project, but Dismas cannot permit the residents to work in teams because of the Covid crisis. There were 8 real estate transfers in July. The new bench is in place on the Green and two plaques have been ordered.

Windy Hills Green/City Maintenance/Newsletter/Tree Board – Councilwoman Greer:
Councilwoman Greer reported on the following items:
• Pruned trees.
• The water bags on the Green have been filled.
• Adam Vogelsang sprayed the weeds and they have finally died.
• Waiting on an estimate from Adam Volgelsang to mulch the Green.
• She is seeking bid for the Lights on the tree on the Green.

Public Works – Councilman Blue:
Councilman Blue reported:
• The paving was complete and he would be checking all areas.
• Coach Gate pothole repairs are done.
• JCLC yearly dinner has been moved to February.
• Foeburn and Rudy is an MSD problem.
• Street signs have been ordered.
• He talked to Brian at EcoTech about recycling problems.

Ordinances/Community Standards – Councilwoman Trachtenberg: Councilwoman Trachtenberg reported that she had researched information about the GPS trackers that can be placed on street signs. She also searched office records for information to bolster the Windy Hills Purdue Pharma claim.

Newsletter – Councilwoman Myers: Councilwoman Myers reported the Breeze was sent to 730 residents and was opened by 62%. She is working on the September print issue, so please send any ideas to her.

Discussion followed about whether Windy Hills should host the Ice Cream Social. It is tentatively scheduled for October, but the decision will be made at the next Council meeting.

City Clerk – Lisa Kraft: Ms. Kraft reported about the change in e-mail provider. All council members can call the office if having problems logging into Outlook.


The Mayor reported about the residence at 726 Indian Ridge Road. After talking to the Mayor Fisher’s office, Graymoor/Devondale Police Chief, Grady Throneberry, multiple times, and the nearby residents, she requested that the Council declare the property a nuisance.

Councilman Blue made a motion to declare the property a nuisance and have the City Attorney take all necessary action to effect this action. Councilwoman Myers seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.

Jim Hodge will proceed with the paperwork to declare the property a nuisance. Windy Hills will enlist the aid of the Jefferson County Assistant Attorney in this process.

ATTORNEY’S REPORT: Attorney Hodge reported he had filed a claim in the Purdue Pharma Litigation – for $50,000. He discussed that the amount would include anything that may surface even after the claim is filed. Sandy Moore update: She won her unemployment suit and we will receive an assessment. He has turned it over to a labor person.


Councilwoman Greer moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 P.M., seconded by Councilwoman Myers and the motion passed unanimously.

__¬_____ __________________ ¬¬¬¬¬_______________________
Helen M Davis, Mayor Lisa Kraft, City Clerk