City Clerk January 13, 2020

Minutes, November 11, 2019


Minutes of Regular Council Meeting

November 11, 2019

The Council and Officers of the City of Windy Hills met at the Sojourn Community Church, 2501 Rudy Lane, at 7:00 P.M.  Mayor Davis called the meeting to order.

ROLL CALL:  The following were present:

Helen M. Davis Bruce Blue Sandy Moore
Kate Greer Jim Hodge
Marcia Myers Steve Teaford
Marianne Rademaker
Suzanne Spencer
Laura Trachtenberg (Absent)


Councilwoman Greer moved to approve the minutes of the October 14, 2019 Council meeting; seconded by Councilman Bruce and approved unanimously.


The financial reports for October, 2019 were moved for approval by Councilwoman Rademaker, seconded by Councilman Blue, and approved unanimously.

Councilwoman Rademaker moved to approve the October bills, totaling $70,663.48 and was seconded by Councilman Blue.   The motion passed unanimously.

AUDITOR’S REPORT:  Debbie Stumler, an auditor with Bechtler, Parker & Watts, presented the 2018/2019 audit to the Council.  She reviewed the financial statements and highlights in depth.  After she presented the review of the audit she asked for and answered all questions from the Council.  Councilwoman Rademaker made a motion to accept the 2018/2019 Audit.  Her motion was seconded by Councilman Blue and passed unanimously.


MAYOR’S REPORT:  The Mayor reported that on October 24, she and Councilwoman Greer attended the KY Public Service Commission sponsored program on Pipeline Response and Mock Line Strike Event.   She stated that it was very beneficial and information from the seminar will be in a newsletter article.  The Mayor also reported that William Seifrit, VP of PNC, who is managing the KLC investment pool, will be attending the December caucus meeting.  If the City decides to explore this option, an inter-local agreement with the KLC will need to be signed.  It will not commit us to placing funds with them but it does give the City an option.

She also reported that she spent many hours analyzing the finances and creating the 2019 audit MDA.  She thanked Debbie Stumler for presenting the 2019 audit at the meeting.  She stated that based on some of the auditor’s comments, she has made some changes in the office operations and is researching having an outside firm handle the payroll operations.  She thanked the City of St. Matthews staff for sharing their insight and expertise in this area.

She stated that 95% of the taxes have been collected and thanked Councilwomen Rademaker and Greer for their help in the process.

She talked about a Mayor and City Clerk’s handbook, stating that the KY Municipal Clerks Association will help with the clerk’s handbook and Councilwoman Trachtenberg will assist in updating the City Clerk’s manual.

She also reported that Councilwoman Greer will be reporting, in more detail, about the trees that were damaged in an October 31 accident.  She has been working with Officer Jones with Graymoor/Devondale to make sure we have a police report and can follow up with the insurance company.  She has filed a claim with the insured’s insurance company and an adjuster has been assigned and will contact her in the next few days.

There was no police report due to Chief Throneberry’s vacation.  She will give the report in December.


 Code Enforcement:  Steve Teaford asked if there were any questions/comments pertaining to his report for October.  There were no comments.  He also reported that there are two driveways out of compliance.  After he contacted the homeowner in Kirkwood Glen, they mailed in the application and their driveway complied with City requirements. Councilwoman Greer made a motion to waive the penalty for mailing the application late.  Her motion was seconded by Councilwoman Myers and passed unanimously.  Councilwoman Rademaker made a motion to enforce the fines for the homeowners of the driveway on Wexford Place (due to them not mailing in the application after being contacted).  Councilman Blue seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

City Maintenance/Windy Hills Green/Tree Board – Councilwoman Greer:  Councilwoman Greer reported on the following items:

  • Arborist Westfall advised that, due to the drought, there should be a delay in planting the trees that the Tree Board had awarded to 15 lucky residents. Cheri Silvey-Slusher will send a letter to the 15 homeowners with a list of acceptable trees and nurseries from which they can choose. The homeowner will pay for the tree and bring the receipt for reimbursement.
  • Bids will be coming in concerning removal of 5 trees and their stumps on Ambridge that were declared to be in serious decline by arborist Westfall.
  • Arborist Westfall suggested that the plaque for the Ellerkamp tree on the Green be moved further out and mulch added. She also pointed out that this plaque will have to be moved every few years as the tree gets wider.
  • An SUV drove off the road at Foeburn and Westport Rd. on Oct. 31 and knocked down two of the trees Mike Hayman planted. Pictures were taken of the damage.  Greenhaven is sending a written estimate of the value of the trees.  Mike Hayman has another Zelkova and an evergreen to replace them with.  The owner of the car has been contacted and the insurance company will cover all the expenses including the removal of the dead trees, filling in the divots made by the wrecker, and the new replacement trees.
  • The Glow on the Green will be held on Sunday, December 1. Councilwoman Greer reported that she has contacted the accordion player, Ballou’s for the cider container, and Kentucky Tree to fix the lights on the tree.  She has purchased 20 strands of 100 lights and 8 strands of 50 lights as starters.  She will ask Brownsboro Hardware to lend us tables and fire pits.  She is contacting our Metro Councilwoman to request money to pay for the accordion player as they have in the past.  She will also purchase cookies and cider closer to the event.

Newsletter – Councilwoman Myers:  Councilwoman Myers reported that Breeze was delivered to 606 people in October and stated the deadline for the next Breeze would be on Wednesday.  The deadline for the print copy of the newsletter will be December 11.

Community Caring/Welcome to Windy Hills – Councilwoman Spencer:   Councilwoman Spencer reported that there are 2 new residents.  She also reported that she and her committee are working on the light post decorations.  She stated she is running out of storage space.  She also reported that there were no takers for the November 8 Sojourn volunteer day.  She had one person ask for snow removal help in the event of snow, but she didn’t know how that would work.  She will have an article on safety pointers for “seniors” in the newsletter.

Finance – Councilwoman Rademaker:  No report.

Public Works – Councilman Blue:  Councilman Blue reported:

  • The residents of Greenbriar and Old Farm have asked for the circle to be taken out and landscaped. Councilman Blue reported that he will inform them that the Council will approve up to a limited amount of funds for this project.
  • A hanging limb has been removed from Rudy Lane.
  • He is walking the sidewalks to note which ones need repair work done on them.
  • He is reporting to LG&E that a tree on their property needs to be taken down on Foeburn.
  • He attended the JCLC October meeting and found it to be very informative.

Ordinances/Community Standards – Councilwoman Trachtenberg:  Councilwoman Trachtenberg reported that the census information was sent.  She is looking into Police protection alternatives.  She also reported she will be working on the City Clerk manual.



ATTORNEY’S REPORT:  Attorney Hodge reported that there is currently National Opiod litigation going on and the City could get at least $500.  He feels the City would qualify because of our past contributions made to some related organizations.  He also reported that the Waste Management appeal to the Supreme Court is ongoing and no decision has been made.  He stated he returned the garnishment check the City received in error and that there is a Westport Road corridor hearing coming up and will report on that at a later date.

Comments/Questions to the Council as a Whole:   Bids for the Greenbriar project will not be considered until July 2020- after the Budget has been approved.

Councilwoman Greer moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:37M., seconded by Councilwoman Myers and the motion passed unanimously.


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Helen M Davis, Mayor Sandy Moore, City Clerk