City Clerk July 28, 2013


A meeting of the Windy Hills Tree Board was held on Thursday, July 11, 2013, 4:00 P.M. at Eclipse Bank, 3827 Shelbyville Road.

In attendance were: Martha Davis, Chair
Cheryl Cooper
Dan Keating
Terese Fister
Allan Atherton, Consultant
Mike Hayman, Arborist

Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on June 6, 2013 were approved.

Financials: Allan reported the Tree Board account has a balance of $1,332.98 and the balance in the Arborist account is $845.75. The following expenditures that the Tree Board will incur in the 2013-14 fiscal year and “booked” to the current fiscal year are:
Four “October Glory” maple trees
“Ogon Dawn Redwood
3 Crape Myrtles
25 Arbor Day yard signs
Arbor Day banner

Total “booked” expenses

Martha asked Allan to find out from Sandy Moore, City Clerk/Treasurer, the amount of money the City has spent in the past, per year, for the resident tree program and to average that amount out.

Procedures: Lynn Renau’s service on the Tree Board was terminated, and a new member to serve out an unexpired 1-1/2 year term will need to be selected.  Martha distributed “Procedures for Selecting Tree Board Members” that was discussed and accepted. Cheryl will ask the City Clerk to send out a blast e-mail to all residents on Monday, July 15. Terese suggested that a notice asking for new members be placed in all quarterly City newsletters and that an open list of interested volunteers be kept for future reference. New tree locations for planting were discussed which included Westport Road at Foeburn, a second tree at Indian Ridge and Brownsboro Road, Chelsea, Bentwood Place Court, Windy Hills Green, Foeburn Lane. Martha distributed a “Process for Windy Hills Tree Board in Making Recommendations to the Windy
Hills Mayor and City Council for Site Selection and Planting of Trees”. This process was discussed at length, and Allan suggested that it be made part of Section 5 of the Windy Hills Tree Ordinance. All members agreed to the adoption of this process.

“Procedure for getting bids” was distributed and discussed. This procedure will not be used every time when asking for bids and will be up to the judgment of the person or entity asking for the bid. When seeking bids, it is necessary that all bidders use the same criteria.

Arborist Report: Mike was recertified after passing his test. This certification is good for three years.

The first tree planted by the Tree Board, an “Ogon Dawn Redwood, was planted within the right-of-way at Indian Ridge and Brownsboro Road. There is space, also within the right-of-way, for another tree to be planted. Three white “Natchez” crape myrtles will be planted behind the signature entrance at Foeburn and Westport Road. Mike will check the placement of the right-of-way and make suggestions of tree species for Bentwood Place Court. Bob Ray Company completed their work on Windy Hills Green.

Work Plan for 2013-14: Potential tree planting sites were discussed as well as preparing an annual work plan to be presented and approved by the Windy Hills Council. The Tree Board hosting a “Walking Tour of White Hall” on the 3rd Sunday in October was discussed in hopes of stirring up interest and educating residents.

Martha will send via e-mail draft revisions to the Windy Hills Tree Ordinance and asked all members to be prepared to discuss at our next meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 P.M.
Cheryl Cooper,Secretary

Next Meeting: Thursday, August 1. 2013. 4:00 P.M.
Please note new location of our meeting – Commonwealth Bank & Trust
Company. 286 N. Hubbards Lane. Enter through the main doors from the
front parking lot and go downstairs. Please park either on the side or in the
back of the bank.

Please Note: Any member who sees a discrepancy between the minutes and what
occurred at the meeting, or who sees a need for additional notes or corrections
should contact the Secretary, Cheryl Cooper at or call
her, 897-1152. Your approval of these minutes is granted unless the Secretary
hears otherwise from you.