City Clerk January 28, 2013


The first meeting of the Windy Hills Tree Board was held on January 4 , 2013 at 4:00 P .M. at the home of Martha Davis, 613 Rudy Lane.

In attendance were Board members : Martha Davis , Chair
Cheryl Cooper
Terese Fister
Absent: Audrey Larkin
Dan Keating
Lynn Renau
Mike Hayman , Arborist
Allan Atherton , Consultant

Agendas were distributed as well as rosters of members and introductions were made.

Secretary: Cheryl volunteered for the job as Secretary .

Monthly Meeting: It was decided to hold the monthly meeting on the first Thursday of the month at 4 : 00 P .M. at members ‘ homes
on a rotating basis. The next meeting, February 7th, will again be held at Martha’s home .

Approval of Arborist : Mike Hayman had been a certified arborist , but his certification has lapsed. He will look into getting recertified in order to qualify as the arborist for Windy Hills .

Assignments :
Arbor Day : According to Mike Hayman , Forest Keeling of Missouri furnishes the trees for Metro Parks and the Olmsted and it would be to our advantage to “piggybacku on one of their shipments of trees in order to minimize freight costs. Terese will contact Forest Keeling to find out when their next shipment will be . We would like to offer 20 free trees to our residents on Arbor Day. Once Terese finds out the shipment details, we will then determine a date to hold Arbor Day in Windy Hills. We also will plan an educational seminar to go along with Arbor

Tree City USA Designation : Dan will oversee all the requirements of the application .

Windy Hills Annual Tree Work Plan : In discussing a tree inventory , Mike suggested that the most visible parts of the city be identified for our first tree inventory . All members of the Tree Board are asked to d~ive and/or walk throughout the city and make note of what spots are the most visible , such as the three signature entrances corners , etc .

A picture of a problem tree in Windsong that was brought before the Windy Hills Council was shown , and it was the recommendation of Mike that after identifying the property owner that the tree should be removed and the owners offered another tree to be planted in a better place using the City’ s tree subsidy program.

Announcements: The Metro Tree Commission meets on the third Tuesday of the month , 5 : 00 P .M. at the Air Pollution Control District conference room, 810 Barret Avenue , and it was thought to be beneficial for us to at end.

The KY Tree Board Seminar will be held on February 22nd at the Clifton Center and several members are planning to attend .

The meeting was adjourned at 6 : 00 P .M.

Next Meeting: February 7 , 2013 4: 00 P .M.
Cheryl Cooper
Secretary –
Martha Davis , 613 Rudy Lane