City Clerk May 28, 2013

Tree Board Minutes, May 9, 2013

MAY 9, 2013

A meeting of the Windy Hills Tree Board was held on Thursday, May 9, 2013, 4:00 P.M. at Eclipse Bank, 3827 Shelbyville Road.

In attendance were: Martha Davis, Chair
Cheryl Cooper
Terese Fister
Dan Keating
Leland Kessler
Lynn Renau
Allan Atherton, Consultant
Mike Hayman, Arborist

The minutes of the meeting held on April 4, 2013 were approved. The current balance in the Tree Board Account is $3,884.98 and the balance in the Arborist account is $912.50.

Evaluation of the Arbor Day event was discussed, and everyone agreed that it was a very successful event. Leland’s pictures of Arbor Day will be sent to the City to be added to the City’s website. The tree planting video was not sufficiently instructional to add to the website. It was decided to buy a second banner and 20 yard signs to advertise the event for next year. Choosing a date to celebrate Arbor Day, 2014 will be done well in advance so as not to coincide with Jefferson County school’s Spring Break or the Easter holiday.

Dan attended a meeting of the Windsong Neighborhood Association. They requested to have free trees planted in their neighborhood. Discussion was held and it was agreed there is a need for trees in Windsong, but at this time the Tree Board’s priority is planting trees in the most visible spots in the City. The Tree Board will send a letter to Mary Rita McDevitt, President of the Windsong Neighborhood Association, explaining our decision.

Discussion was held to create a Work Plan for the balance of the fiscal year. Opinions were voiced and a consensus was reached for the planting of canopy trees listed according to priority:

1. Open area on Westport Road at the entrance to Foeburn Lane, the opposite side from the entrance sign.
2. At the corner of Indian Ridge and Brownsboro Road near the entrance fence and landscape plantings, on the Christ Methodist Church side.
3. Ambridge Drive
4. Add canopy trees and ornamentals on Windy Hills Green once a decision on a plan has been reached.

The balance of allotted funds would be used for the purchase of quality trees, delivery of said trees, professional planting and mulching, contracted watering and long-term maintenance and professional pruning. This is based on the availability of specific trees and necessary soil tests.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 P.M.

Cheryl Cooper, Secretary

Next Meeting: Thursday, June 6, 2013, 4:00 P.M., Eclipse Bank

Please Note: Any member who sees a discrepancy between the minutes and what occurred at the meeting, or who sees a need for additional notes or corrections should contact the Secretary, Cheryl Cooper at or call her, 897-1152. Your approval of these minutes is granted unless the Secretary hears otherwise from you.