City Clerk June 28, 2013

Tree Board Minutes, June 6, 2013

June 6, 2013

A meeting of the Windy Hills Tree Board was held on Thursday, June 6, 2013, 4:00 P.M. at Eclipse Bank, 3827 Shelbyville Road.

In attendance were: Martha Davis, Chair
Cheryl Cooper
Leland Kessler
Lynn Renau
Allan Atherton, Consultant
Mike Hayman, Arborist
Absent: Terese Fister
Dan Keating

The minutes of the meeting held on May 9, 2013 were approved as corrected.

Allan reported the Tree Board account has a balance of $3,884.98 and the balance in the Arborist account is $1,670.75.

The Windy Hills Tree Ordinance was reviewed and suggested revisions were made to several sections. Allan will draft the revisions and the revised Ordinance will be presented to the Council for approval at a future date.

Policy suggestions regarding the Tree Board budget and City arborist budget as suggested by memo from Mayor Lou Phillips dated 5/28/13 were discussed and accepted. Discussion was also held on “who pays for what” – Windy Hills Tree Board budget or the City of Windy Hills. A memo from Councilman Ising dated June 3, 2013 regarding planting canopy trees was discussed as well as Mike Hayman’s response dated June 5th. It was noted that the Tree Board’s function is only to make recommendations, and it’s the Council’s decision to accept the recommendations or not. Martha, Mike and John Moore, a resident of Windhurst, met with two residents on Ambridge Drive and explained they had another opportunity to have ornamental trees planted in the right-of-way in front of their
Windy Hills Tree Board
June 6, 2013
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homes. Wayne and Maureen Friedman agreed to have three “Ivory Silk” lilac trees planted, and Tom and Terry Grant agreed to have two or three trees planted if they were not redbud trees. It was noted there are two Persian Parrotia trees in the right-of-way at 1200 and 1201 Ambridge Drive that are in decline and should be replaced. Other residents along Ambridge Drive will be contacted to offer the planting of additional trees along the right-of-way.

Windy Hills Green: Metro arborist, Mark White, evaluated the trees on Windy Hills Green at Rudy Lane and estimates for the recommended work to be done were received from the Bob Ray Company, Greenhaven Tree Care, Limbwalker Tree Service and T’s Trees. After review and discussion of the estimates, Mike recommended that the Bob Ray Company be awarded the contract and asked that a certified arborist from the Bob Ray Company be on site when the work begins. Mike would also like to meet with them. It was highly recommended that beds of mulch be put around groups of trees to protect the roots.

The site where it was suggested we plant six October Glory maple trees at Foeburn and Westport Road is full of utilities and would need soil remediation. Mike believes another option would be to plant the trees further back on Foeburn which would be on David Lee’s, Donnie Wallace and Sammy Lee’s property. Mike has spoken to David Lee and Donnie Wallace and they are amenable to this proposal.
Mike expects to hear back from David Lee who is contacting the Highway Dept. to determine the feasibility of planting trees on Westport Road at Foeburn.

Mike will sit for his re-certification test next week in Lexington.

Leland has agreed to be our “Tree Champion”. He will prepare a flyer with bullet points for the care and maintenance of trees and will be willing to talk to homeowners who have questions. We also will have a Tree Board table at the 4th of July annual picnic and will wear our shirts and nametags to promote the planting and care of trees.

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June 6, 2013
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The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 P.M.

Cheryl Cooper, Secretary

Next Meeting: Thursday, July 11, 2013, 4:00 P.M., Eclipse Bank

Please Note: Any member who sees a discrepancy between the minutes and what occurred at the meeting, or who sees a need for additional notes or corrections should contact the Secretary, Cheryl Cooper at or call her, 897-1152. Your approval of these minutes is granted unless the Secretary hears otherwise from you.