City Clerk February 28, 2013

Tree Board Minutes, Feb 7, 2013

FEBRUARY 7, 2013

A meeting of the Windy Hills Tree Board was held on Thursday, February 7, 2013, 4:00 P.M. at Eclipse Bank, 3827 Shelbyville Road.

In attendance were: Martha Davis, Chair
Cheryl Cooper
Terese Fister
Lynn Renau
Mike Hayman, Arborist

Absent: Dan Keating
Allan Atherton

Welcome: Martha opened the meeting with a welcome and thanks to Eclipse Bank for making their conference room available to us. Agendas were distributed.

Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on January 4, 2012 were approved as written.

Budget Until 6-30-13: The line item of $5,000 for the Tree Board in the City of Windy Hills budget was acknowledged.

Replacement of Board Member: Candidates to fill the vacancy of Audrey Larkin were interviewed and provided with copies of the Tree Ordinance. Four residents expressed interest in joining the Tree Board. Leland Kessler, a new resident of Windy Hills and who lives on Rudy Lane, was nominated and will be recommended to Mayor Phillips for appointment with the approval of the Windy Hills Council. His term will be for one year and will commence upon appointment. Cheryl suggested that a procedure be put into place to cover future vacancies on the Board. It was suggested that a questionnaire for future candidates be developed. Cheryl will create a questionnaire similar to the original one used when seeking volunteers for the Tree Board and will bring before the Board for approval.

Arbor Day Update: Arbor Day will be held on Sunday, April 7, 2013, 3:00 P.M. on Windy Hills Green.
Cheryl will price a banner to be placed on the Green advertising Arbor Day. The Spring newsletter and blast e-mails to all residents will notify residents of the event and the free tree give-away.

A “historic” signature tree will be identified by Lynn and Mike and twenty, five-gallon trees will be given away through a drawing to Windy Hills residents who are present at the event.
Terese will contact Forest Keeling or Woody Warehouse to find the best price and shipping of the trees.
Terese will contact Robert Rollins, of Greenhaven, and ask him to demonstrate the proper planting of a tree. One of the “historic” signature trees will be planted on the Green.
Mike will price tree guards to be given away with each tree.
Cheryl will prepare the wording of a proclamation for the Mayor to read at Arbor Day.
Martha will ask Audrey Larkin and Lauri Holder to be in charge of refreshments for the event.
Educational hand-outs will be given with each tree, possibly stating “Windy Hills, A City of Historic Trees”.

Update and Follow Up: The tree on Windsong Way that should be removed is the property of the residents of 6100 Windrow Place as identified by Bob Rosenbaum. This situation is addressed in 6B of the Tree Ordinance. A form letter will be created to send to the resident and for future use. A tree at 4324 Rudy Lane was inspected by Mark White, Louisville Metro Arborist, and he sent a letter to the owners on January 22, 2013. The residents have ten days to call with questions and 30 days to remedy the situation. The tree is covered with heavy vines which is addressed in 8C of the Tree Ordinance. Again a form letter will be created to send to residents pertaining to remedying this. Terese suggested that a section of the Tree ordinance be published in our quarterly newsletters pertinent to the responsibilities of homeowners.

Beautification Locations A map of the City of Windy Hills was distributed.
Lynn was authorized to purchase a current LOGIC map for our future use in determining where and what kind of trees to plant.
It was suggested that the eight homeowners on Ambridge who chose not to have a tree planted on their property be given a second chance so that Ambridge will have a full tree canopy.
We will have a brainstorming session at our next meeting to determine priorities and focus for the year.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 P.M.

Cheryl Cooper

Next Meeting: Thursday, March 7, 2013, 4:00 P.M., Eclipse Bank