City Clerk December 28, 2013

Tree Board Minutes, Dec 5, 2013

A meeting of the Windy Hills Tree Board was held on Thursday, December, 2013, 4:00 P.M. at Commonwealth Bank & Trust Company, 286 N. Hubbards Lane. A meeting of the Tree Board was not held in November due to there not being a quorum present. Martha reserved our meeting room at Commonwealth for 2014 for the following dates: January 2, February 6, March 6, April 3, May 8, June 5, July 10, August 7, September 4, October 2, November 6 and December 4.

In attendance were: Martha Davis, Chair
Cheryl Cooper
Terese Fister
Dan Keating
Allan Atherton, Consultant
Caroline Westfall, Certified Arborist

Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on October 3, 2013 were approved.

Financial Report: Allan submitted the following financial information for the Tree Board account and Arborist account: Tree Board account – $7,914.23 and Arborist account, $3,320.75.

City Council Report: John and Alison Schech of 708 Wicklow Road, bought an October Glory Maple through the City’s residential tree program. $18,000 has been raised to date through the matching grant offer of an anonymous donor. This money will be used for the planting of trees and placement of benches on Windy Hills Green as well as defining and mulching the pathway.

Nominating Committee: As of January 1, 2014 there will be two vacancies on the Tree Board as Leland and Terese’s one year terms are complete. With the approval of the Tree Board members, Martha and Cheryl will compose a Nominating Committee to bring recommendations to the Board of two members who will fill 3-year terms.

WH Tree Board Minutes
December 5, 2013
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Tree City USA Application: Dan has completed the Tree City application and after some minor tweaks it will be presented to the Mayor f.or his signature and sent off for consideration to the State Urban Forestry Coordinator.

Review: Walk at Whitehall – Approximately 20 people attended, led by Mike  Hayman.

Tree Ordinance – We would like to increase the number of members on the Tree Board.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 P.M.

Next Meeting: Thursday. January 2. 2014. 4:00 P.M.
Please note new location of our meeting – Commonwealth Bank & Trust
Company, 286 N. Hubbards Lane. Enter through the main doors from the
front parking lot and go downstairs. Please park either on the side or in the
back of the bank.

Please Note: Any member who sees a discrepancy between the minutes and what
occurred at the meeting, or who sees a need for additional notes or corrections
should contact the Secretary, Cheryl Cooper at or call
her, 897-1152. Your approval of these minutes is granted unless the Secretary
hears otherwise from you.