City Clerk April 28, 2013

Tree Board Minutes, Apr 4, 2013

April 4, 2013

A meeting of the Windy Hills Tree Board was held on Thursday, April 4, 2013, 4:00 P.M. at Eclipse Bank, 3827 Shelbyville Road.

In attendance were: Martha Davis, Chair
Cheryl Cooper
Terese Fister
Dan Keating
Leland Kessler
Lynn Renau
Allan Atherton, Consultant
Mike Hayman, Arborist

Welcome: Martha opened the meeting by introducing the members of the Tree Board to Anne Farmer, an interested resident of Windy Hills who attended the meeting. Agendas were distributed.

Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on March 7, 2013 were approved. A statement will be added at the end of the minutes asking for corrections/additions, and if none are received in five (5) days, the minutes will be considered approved as written.

Financials: Tree Board Balance as of 4/4/13 $4,468.73

Arborist Balance as of 4/4/13 $1,437.50

Arbor Day, Sunday, April 7, 2012, 3:00 P.M.:

Promotion: The banner was installed on Windy Hills Green on Monday, April 1st by Councilman Mike Skelton who will also remove it after the Arbor Day celebration. Two “blast” e-mails were sent to all Windy Hills residents announcing Arbor Day and there was an article in the current Windy Hills newsletter.
Refreshments: Tables will be provided by Brownsboro Hardware and will be set up Saturday evening. Tree Board members were asked to bring 2-3 dozen cookies and additional refreshments will be provided by the Windy Hills Garden Club.
Registration: Members of the Windy Hills Garden Club will take registrations for the tree give away. Trees are to be given only to residents of Windy Hills.

April 4, 2013
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Schedule: 3:00-3:15, social time, sign up for tree give-away drawing, refreshments
3:15, Mayor Phillips welcomes everyone, introduces Tree Board members and reads the Arbor Day proclamation. Martha Davis thanks the Windy Hills Garden Club members for the refreshments and their help with registration. She introduces Robert and Patti Rollins and presents them with a gift certificate from Henry’s Place.
3:20, Tree planting demonstration and discussion of proper care and explanation of the use of tree guards which will be given with the free trees.
3:45, Drawing for 20 Bur/Swamp White Oak Trees
4:00, Conclusion

Tree City USA: Dan reported on the status of the Tree City USA application which will be submitted at the end of this year. The three requirements have been met – tree ordinance, budget and proclamation for Arbor Day. At our next meeting in May, Dan will discuss allocation of funds and categories of expenses.

Tree Ordinance Proposed Revision: Allan distributed a proposed revision to 6.c Replacement of Removed Street Tree The revisions are in bold.

At the owner’s request, the City will replace contribute to the cost of replacing a problematic Street Tree as described in Paragraph 6.a, after the tree and stump have been removed by the owner at their expense. And will pay for both The City contribution will be for the tree and a qualified arborist to transplant it, up to a limit of $300. The owner shall pay any cost over $300. To qualify for the City contribution, The owner must choose a “Large” tree (i.e. a canopy tree) that is on the “Windy Hills Street Tree Listing of Trees Acceptable for Planting”, and that is approved by the City Arborist for the location.

Leland moved to accept the revision of 6.c Replacement of Removed Street Tree of the Windy Hills Tree Ordinance, seconded by Terese and unanimously approved. The revision will be presented to the Windy Hills Council at a later date when it is certain no more revisions are needed to the Ordinance.

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Dan researched several cities’ tree ordinances regarding the removal of trees by residents and the need for permission from the city to do so. He will look at the City of Indian Hills’ tree ordinance to determine what restrictions, if any, they have.

2013 Work Plan:

Arborist Report: Mike drove with Allan and Lynn around Windy Hills to familiarize himself with the city. Mike thinks it is important to pursue a conservation easement for the Green to protect the land. Lynn will contact Mimi Runyon to determine the best way to pursue obtaining a conservation easement. Mike also said he would like to get some trees planted this Spring on the Green, such as a variety of deciduous magnolias, along with a simultaneous planting of canopy trees. The installation of a wood chip path was discussed, and Dan will research ADA requirements. Mike is meeting with John Swintosky, RLA the landscape architect with Metro Parks for his ideas and feedback. It was suggested that an evaluation of the trees on Rudy Lane be conducted, and Martha said she would contact Mark White, the Metro arborist.

Other: A disclaimer has been placed on our LOJIC map stating the tree coverage is inaccurate and it is a 2009 version. It was suggested that a monthly article regarding the maintenance and benefits of canopy trees be sent via e-mail to all residents from the Tree Board. Mike said the article should contain beautiful pictures with good advice. The Urban Design Studio is asking for volunteers to help map Louisville’s downtown tree canopy on Sunday, April 14, 1:00 PM, 507 S. Third Street.

The Meeting was adjourned at 6:00 P.M.

Cheryl Cooper, Secretary
Next Meeting: Thursday, May 9, 2013, 4:00 P.M., Eclipse Bank
Please Note: Any member who sees a discrepancy between the minutes and what occurred at the meeting, or who sees a need for additional notes or corrections should contact the Secretary, Cheryl Cooper at or call her, 897-1152. Your approval of these minutes is granted unless the Secretary hears otherwise from you.