City Clerk December 5, 2017

Minutes May 8, 2017

Minutes of Regular Council Meeting
May 8, 2017

The Council and Officers of the City of Windy Hills met at the Calvin Presbyterian Church, 2501 Rudy Lane, at 7:00 P.M. Mayor Ising called the meeting to order.

ROLL CALL: The following were present:

E. James Ising Helen Davis Sandy Moore
Kate Greer Jim Hodge
Lou Phillips Steve Teaford
Marianne Rademaker
Mike Skelton
Suzanne Spencer


Councilwoman Greer moved to approve the minutes of the April 10, 2017 Council meeting; seconded by Councilwoman Davis and approved unanimously.


The financial reports for April, 2017 were moved for approval by Councilwoman Spencer, seconded by Councilman Skelton and approved unanimously.

Councilwoman Spencer moved to approve the April bills, totaling $44,106.56 and was seconded by Councilman Skelton. The motion passed unanimously.



Finance/Ordinances: Councilwoman Davis stated that the Rental Properties Project was progressing and Steve Teaford would report on that. She also stated there would be more to report on the Budget later in the meeting.

Code Enforcement: Steve Teaford reported that 35 of the Rental Properties have passed inspection and 1 has not. He feels that the one property that has not passed will be passed very soon.

Community Caring/Health & Fitness/Welcome to Windy Hills: Councilwoman Spencer stated she had no report for Community Caring or Health and Fitness. She said the City has 4 new residents.
Community Events/Newsletter/Tree Board: Councilwoman Greer reported that the Tree Board Minutes had been sent out and also stated that the Tree Board is working on their proposed projects for 2017/2018. She reported that the City had been approved to hold the annual 4th of July Picnic and Parade at Sojourn Community Church and she would hold a committee meeting soon. She stated the next newsletter deadline is on June 1.
Public Works: Councilman Phillips reported that the street signs at Tunbridge Wells has been fixed.

Police Liaison/Real Estate Signs: Councilwoman Rademaker reported that Graymoor-Devondale Police Department patrolled Windy Hills for close to 103 hours. 15.36 of this time was radar enforcement, 10.18 hrs on Ambridge resulting in 7 warnings and 5.18 hours on Rudy resulting in 9 warnings. One citation was issued at Hubbards Lane and Brownsboro Rd and an addition warning was issued on Brookview for parking too close to a fire hydrant. There were investigations on Rudy and Deerfield and one involving a theft on Waterford. A suspicious person on Two Springs Ln turned out to be a kid with a super-soaker. A solicitor without a license was warned on Clerkenwell and a suspicious vehicle was reported on Brookview. Shot fired reported on Regency, but unfounded. A sick/injured person was reported on Wicklow, a complaint was made about a dog on Brookview and a resident called regarding crime tape. Police assisted motorists at Rudy and Brownsboro. They installed a radar sign on Rudy Lane and removed a tree and large branches from the roadway on Rudy and Highfield. Two warnings were issued for parking.

Windy Hills Green/City Beautification: Councilman Skelton reported that the Osage Orange tree was not going to work out for the new “Rudy” carving. He also stated that he noticed the mulch path needs work and received a quote from Adam for between $3,200 and $3,700 to update it. The Electric work has been finished at the Signature Entrance at Foeburn. He also stated that the Reach Alert System was a good thing to have as proven by a call out for a missing dog and was found within an hour.


Garbage Contract: Councilman Phillips reported that the Garbage Contract bids had been received and mailed to the Council. He said both bids were good for 60 days, so the vote could be postponed if need be. Waste Management’s bid was better on once per week pickup while Rumpke’s bid was better on the twice per week pickup. Councilman Phillips made a motion to accept Waste Management’s bid for once a week pickup and was seconded by Councilwoman Rademaker. Councilman Skelton stated he was against once a week pickup due to there was no real reason to cut back. Councilwoman Spencer stated this is one service the City offers to its residents and should keep it at twice a week pickup. Councilwoman Davis made a motion to call the question and was seconded by Councilwoman Rademaker. The motion passed. The motion failed with a 1 Aye and 5 Nay vote as follows: Councilman Phillips – Aye, Councilwoman Davis – Nay, Councilwoman Greer – Nay, Councilwoman Rademaker – Nay, Councilman Skelton – Nay, Councilwoman Spencer – Nay. Councilman Skelton made a motion to accept the twice per week bid from Rumpke. The motion failed due to a lack for a second. Councilwoman Spencer made a motion to accept Waste Management’s bid for twice per week pickup and was seconded by Councilwoman Greer. Councilman Skelton stated that he thought the residents would be upset with Windy Hills for spending approximately $10,000 more than they had to since Rumpke’s bid was $10,000 less. Councilwoman Spencer stated that if you break down the amount per household it is only $4.00 per resident. Councilwoman Davis asked why the City was paying Waste Management less than the actual bid…the answer was that it was Waste Management’s mistake. Councilman Skelton stated that he has Rumpke services at his office and has no complaints. Councilwoman Spencer was in favor of staying with Waste Management because of the success the City has had with them over the years. Tim McNally, with Waste Management, stated Waste Management knows the City and knows where the trash is. He also asked, is the lowest always the best? He said his company is worth the price and has not raised its rates in years. His drivers know the residents and have even been known to do welfare checks is something doesn’t look right. Chris, the Rumpke representative thanked the Council for the opportunity. He stated they are a family owned/run business and were adding more natural compressed gas equipment. He continues, saying that they have their own state of the art recycling center and offer a competitive price. He said they offer a very good service and have St. Matthews as one of their clients. Councilwoman Rademaker stated she would prefer to wait until the next work session to discuss further. Councilman Phillips called the question and was seconded by Councilwoman Rademaker. The motion on the question passed unanimously. The original motion failed with a vote of 2 Ayes (Councilwomen Spencer and Greer) and 4 Nays (Councilwoman Davis, Councilman Phillips, Councilwoman Rademaker, and Councilman Skelton). Councilwoman Rademaker made a motion to postpone the vote until the next Council meeting in June. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Spencer. Councilman Skelton asked if the contract starts on July 1, would that give Rumpke enough time to set up the collections and more importantly have a smooth transition. Chris, from Rumpke requested a map of all the City streets so they could be prepared if their bid was accepted. Councilwoman Spencer stated she did not think it was fair for Rumpke to make them wait. Councilman Phillips stated he saw no reason why the vote couldn’t take place at this meeting. Attorney Hodge stated that the Council could wait until the June 9 meeting, since Rumpke stated they would be able to handle it. The original motion to postpone passed with 5 Ayes (Councilwoman Davis, Councilwoman Greer, Councilwoman Rademaker, Councilman Skelton, Councilwoman Spencer) and 1 Nay (Councilman Phillips).

Ordinance 1, Series 2017/2018 Ad Valorem Taxes: Councilman Phillips made a motion to change the property tax rate to 15 cents per $100 of the assessed value with a 32% discount if paid by October 31. The motion failed due to a lack of a second to the motion. Councilwoman Rademaker made a motion to have the Summary, first reading of Ordinance 1, Series 2017/2018 relating to the Ad Valorem Taxes. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Davis and passed unanimously. Attorney Hodge read the Summary 1st reading of Ordinance 1, Series 2017/2108 into record. No further action needed.

Ordinance 2, Series 2017/2018 Budget: Councilwoman Rademaker made a motion to have the Summary, first reading of Ordinance 2, Series 2017/2018 relating to the Budget. The motion was seconded by Councilman Skelton and passed unanimously. Attorney Hodge read the Summary 1st reading of Ordinance 2, Series 2017/2108 into record. No further action needed. Councilman Skelton asked if the Council felt like they needed to discuss the budget further and would there be a need for a Special Meeting. After some discussion and Attorney Hodge stating that the numbers can be tweaked to everyone’s satisfaction as well as making sure the budgeted numbers are high enough so there will not be a need to amend the budget down the road.

Ordinance Codification: Councilman Phillips stated that the final step in the process to receive a Grant from the State to have the City’s Code of Ordinances Codified has begun. The Grant will be for around $7,000 that should cover the cost of the Codification.


Paving: Councilman Phillips made a motion to proceed with paving the Wellington Place loop for $12,200. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Greer and passed unanimously.


MAYOR’S REPORT: Mayor Ising reported that there were at least 40 people at the Brightside Cleanup, the majority being from SoJourn Church. He said there were actually more people than they really needed, but enjoyed having them. Councilwoman Greer then stated that she had helped build over 100 fairy gardens with the children at Sojourn Church. She also reported on the Arbor Day celebration that was held at Sojourn, stating that only one person from Sojourn was present and that next year it would be moved back to the Green. Mayor Ising continued his report stating that he had received message from a resident to complain about people cutting their grass in the evening, disrupting their dinner time. He then called Mayor Ising back and apologized for complaining and stating Mayor Ising was probably trying to have his dinner when he called. Mayor Ising also publicly apologized to Councilwoman Greer, Councilman Skelton, and Councilwoman Spencer for being impatient during the Friday Work Session, stating that he was afraid that some of the matters wouldn’t receive enough time to cover them and felt he had rushed them.


Councilwoman Rademaker moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 P.M., seconded by Councilwoman Greer and the motion passed unanimously.

__¬_____ __________________           _______________________
E. James Ising, Mayor                             Sandy Moore, City Clerk