Minutes March 8, 2021
Minutes of Regular Council Meeting
March 8, 2021
The Council and Officers of the City of Windy Hills met virtually by Zoom. at 7:00 P.M., Mayor Davis called the meeting to order.
ROLL CALL: The following were present:
Helen M. Davis | Bruce Blue | Lisa Kraft |
Kate Greer | Attorney Clay Barkley | |
Marcia Myers | Steve Teaford | |
Marianne Rademaker | ||
Suzanne Spencer | ||
Laura Trachtenberg |
Councilwoman Greer moved to approve the minutes of the February 8, 2021, Council meeting; seconded by Councilwoman Myers. The motion passed unanimously.
The financial reports for February 2021 were moved for approval by Councilwoman Rademaker, seconded by Councilman Blue. The motion passed unanimously.
Councilwoman Rademaker moved to approve the February bills, totaling $42,429.24, and was seconded by Councilwoman Greer. The motion passed unanimously.
RESIDENTS’ COMMENTS/CONCERNS: Julie Mitchell Tyler introduced herself. She is on staff at Sojourn.
Police Report: There were 101 hours of Police support. They conducted 5 hours of traffic control radar resulting in no tickets or warnings. There were a couple of reports of suspicious persons but no individuals were found.
“Office update: As reported previously, Lisa sent out delinquent tax letters to our residents who have not paid. She has compiled a list of delinquent taxes so we can begin filing liens.
I was on a Zoom meeting with JCLC and the new Metro Police Chief. I thanked her for her quick response to my email regarding our “nuisance” property. Another Mayor asked her about dealing with properties that had drug issues. She explained that due to limited resources, Metro will not raid a property unless the said property is associated with violence and guns. It is a “bang for bucks” theory.
She said cities should enforce their ordinances via civil courts and hold the property owners accountable. She said this is a very effective strategy that worked in Atlanta and this is the approach that I have taken as Mayor. I will let our lawyers update you on our outstanding issue.
The KLC hosted two Mayors’ Zoom meetings with Governor Beshear. Governor Beshear and his Cabinet addressed the Covid updates As you know group, 1-C was eligible as of March 1, 2021. Apparently. Kentucky has been very effective in minimizing the deaths from Covid. The Governor reported that we are in the top 10 states for the lowest per capita deaths. This is amazing considering the preexisting conditions that many Kentuckians have.
Finally, I am still working on a few outstanding issues. We are still working on the Indian Ridge property. I sent a letter regarding the rental ordinance to the executor of the estate. I did not get a response so I have turned it over to our lawyers. We are also working on a zoning issue on Kitty Hawk that our lawyers will discuss.
Per, Windy Hill Ordinance 37.070, I am proposing Pat Cole to fill the vacant position of Chair of the Ethics Board.”
Finance/Ordinances: Councilwoman Rademaker had nothing to report.
Code Enforcement – Steve Teaford: Mr. Teaford reported he had sent out his February report. There are 59 rental homes and 16 are in Coach Gate. There are 4 vacant homes in Windy Hills. He will be sending out letters to owners with addresses outside of Windy Hills.
He reviewed the ordinances pertaining to the placement of Little Libraries for Councilwoman Spencer.
Windy Hills Green/City Maintenance/Newsletter/Tree Board – Councilwoman Greer:
Councilwoman Greer reported she had contacted Mike Hayman about pruning trees. Adam Vogelsang will begin the pruning tomorrow. She took down the water bags on the Green and Westport Road and they will be stored in Marianne’s garage until needed.
Adam Vogelsang fixed the lights on the entrance of Rudy Lane and Brownsboro Road.
Newsletter – Councilwoman Myers: Councilwoman Myers reported: No Windy Hills Breeze was sent in February, although office e-mails and an alert were sent regarding waste services during the storms.
The March issue will be an 8-page print edition. The deadline is noon on Wednesday, March 10th with a target of having it in the homes of Windy Hills residents and friends by Friday, March 19th. Ideas for articles and photos are always welcome from council members and residents. They can be sent to [email protected] or [email protected]
Community Caring/Health & Fitness/Welcome to Windy Hills – Councilwoman Spencer:
Councilwoman Spencer reported the following items:
- “Welcome to Windy Hills – We had 5 new residents in February.
- Community Caring – All existing Little Libraries are at least 18 or 19 feet from the road. I would advocate for grandfathering all of them in unless Steve sees reason not to. I have marked the following additional locations for discussion with residents, Council, and Steve Teaford. (Windy Hills Green along the south portion of the walk, 304 Foeburn, 726 Waterford, and the little Island on Clerkenwell).
- The Louisville Free Public Libraries will try to open again for regular use and may make it unnecessary for Windy Hills to have 4 Little Library locations. We would revise the number of our location requests if Council can approve one on the Green and one on the little Clerkenwell island. We will continue to seek resident approval if Council cannot approve those “public” locations.”
Public Works – Councilman Blue:
Councilman Blue reported:
- “The snow removal on the first snow Monday night, in my opinion, was not handled correctly. The second snow on Thursday was handled correctly and I had no owners call me with any problems. The first removal was entirely different. Some complaints were correct some were not. The snow, on some streets, was not removed in a timely manner.
- I had a couple of young boys shovel snow off an owner’s property and many thanked me.
- I feel we need to rebid the snow removal for 2022. We need a detailed contract as to how snow is removed; when it is removed; where the sand is stored; how we pay for the sand; how billing is done; the time period when all streets will be treated; etc. These are just some areas for the bid.
- I am OK with the way Eco-Tech handled the pick-up of trash and recycling. I did not have any complaints, but a few calls with questions. I misunderstood my conversation with Bryan Slade about the pick-up on the recycling. I thought he told me both recycling and garbage would be picked up on Friday. Only the garbage was picked up on Friday, and all the recycling was picked up on Tuesday. I take responsibility for the mistake. I did not have comments on the issue only when it would be done. The garbage employees pulled the containers out of the frozen snow and ice. They did a good job.
- I checked the issue of poor drainage behind the shopping center. I do not find an issue of standing water. There was some water on the west side in a long drainage area, but it looked normal. “
Ordinances/Community Standards – Councilwoman Trachtenberg: Councilwoman Trachtenberg had nothing to report.
City Clerk – Lisa Kraft: Ms. Kraft reported she has received payments from 13 residents owing delinquent property taxes. Liens will be filed on the remaining.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Councilwoman Spencer’s proposal – “Free Little Libraries” – postponed until the next Council meeting.
NEW BUSINESS: Councilwoman Greer made a motion to approve the appointment of Patrick Cole as new Ethics Board Chair, and was seconded by Councilwoman Trachtenberg. There was a discussion by the Council. The motion passed unanimously.
Councilwoman Trachtenberg made a motion to have Food Trucks scheduled once a month in Windy Hills. Councilwoman Greer seconded. The Mayor suggested Councilwoman Trachtenberg make a motion and come back to the Council with logistics worked out in April and shoot for May. Taking cursory polling of the Council there are 5 in favor of the Food Trucks.
ATTORNEYS COMMENTS: Attorney Clay Barkley reported there is a Bill in the Kentucky Legislature that will likely amend the Kentucky Open Records Act and the Kentucky League of Cities is in favor of the bill. They are working with Mayor Davis and Steve Teaford on Code Enforcement issues including Indian Ridge and Rental Ordinance violations. The Board of Zoning Adjustments will hear the variance request case in Windy Hills and the firm is drafting a letter to present to the Board using the statute KRS 100.243 (1).
Comments/Questions to the Council as a Whole: Resident Joyce Bridge made a comment about Food Trucks. Julie Mitchell Tyler added she thought Sojourn would be a good location for the Food Trucks.
Councilwoman Greer moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 P.M., seconded by Councilwoman Rademaker and the motion passed unanimously.
_______ __________________ _______________________
Helen M Davis, Mayor | Lisa Kraft, City Clerk |