An ordinance to establish a Tree Board was passed by the Council in 2012. The Tree Board is limited to 7 members. Council member is a nonvoting member. The other nonvoting member is the certified City Arborist. The first certified arborist was Mike Hayman. The current certified arborist is Caroline Westfall. The Board generally meets bimonthly.
In 2024, City of Windy Hills was designated a Tree City USA® by the Arbor Day Foundation. Click here for the press release.
Any questions? Please email us at [email protected].
The Tree Board’s main objective is to promote the expansion of a healthy tree canopy and to ensure that the existing trees are not a danger to the public. It submits an application to the Arbor Day Foundation annually to maintain its Tree City USA status. A written yearly work plan is submitted to the Council for approval.
The Board hosts an annual Arbor Day, with an educational component, i.e. a pruning demonstration or how to plant a tree correctly, etc. It also offers Windy Hills’ residents a subsidy to plant up to two trees in their yards. The current chairperson is Scott Breland.
The Arbor Day Proclamation was delivered on Sunday, October 6, 2024 during the Celebration on our City Green. Click here for the Official Proclamation.
The 2025 Arbor Day Celebration coincides with Shakespeare on the Green on Wednesday, May 14, 2025.
Please note, there are no minutes for 2020-2021 due to COVID restrictions. Click here for archived minutes.
The Tree Board has set a schedule of meetings for the 2024-25 fiscal year that will be posted on the City web site. The time will be 7:00 pm, unless otherwise noted. Meetings will be held in City Hall, Suite 110, in the Board Room. A City Official will monitor the door to admit attendees as the building is closed after hours.
- Wednesday, November 20, 2024, at 7:00 pm
- Wednesday, January 15, 2025, at 7:00 pm
- Wednesday, March 19, 2025, at 7:00 pm
- Wednesday, May 21, 2025, at 7:00 pm
- Wednesday July 16, 2025, at 7:00 pm
Tree Board
Beginning January 1, 2025, the Windy Hills Tree Board will consist of the following with staggered terms noted:
Scott Breland
Current Chairperson (2025,2026,2027)
Teri Breland
Joyce Bridge
Laura Trachtenberg
Bob Jacobs
Josh Ashley
Samantha Fluke
Councilwoman Kate Greer
Non-voting City Council Member
Caroline Westfall
City Arborist
2025 Tree Board Minutes
2024 Tree Board Meeting Minutes
2023 Tree Board Meeting Minutes
Tree Planting
The Tree Planting List is currently under review. Please contact City Hall for the current list of recommended trees to plant.
Note: Street trees, typically located between the sidewalk and curb or in the right-of-way, provide several benefits to our community. They help define our city’s character and increase property values.
The Tree Planting List includes trees that are approved and not approved for planting as street trees. No species other than those approved on this list may be planted as street trees without written permission from the Tree Board.
The Tree Board also encourages homeowners to follow this list when planting within their property lines.