City Clerk September 28, 2013

Tree Board Minutes, Sept. 5, 2013

September 5, 2013

A meeting of the Windy Hills Tree Board was held on Thursday, September 5, 2013, 4:00 P.M. at Commonwealth Bank & Trust Company, 286 N. Hubbards Lane.

In attendance were: Martha Davis, Chair
Amy Carter
Cheryl Cooper
Terese Fister
Dan Keating
Leland Kessler
Allan Atherton, Consultant

Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on August 1, 2013 were approved.

Financial Report: Allan submitted the following financial information for the Tree Board account and Arborist account: Tree Board account as of 9/5/13 – $6,325.98 and Arborist account as of 9/5/13 – $3,508.25.

Arborist Report: Mike Hayman has asked to take a leave of absence effective immediately until January 1, 2014. The Metro Tree Commission has a budget of $250,000 for the planting of trees throughout the City on the right-of-ways, and Mike has the responsibility of determining the sites for the trees. Discussion was held regarding the need for a substitute arborist until Mike’s return, and Martha will investigate some options.

Tree Ordinance Revised Recommendations: Proposed revisions to the Windy Hills Tree Ordinance were discussed. The Tree Board approved revisions to the following sections of the Tree Board Ordinance: 3. i Review by City Council, Right to Appeal; 5 c City Tree Planting Program for Residents; 6 b Notice to Remove Tree or Shrub; 6 c Replacement of Removed Street Tree; 8 a Stump Removal; 10 a Public Nuisance Trees and Shrubs; 10b; 11 Enforcement A new section, 5 g, Site Selection for New Trees, was distributed to the Tree Board for discussion at our next meeting.
Windy Hills Tree Board Minutes
September 5, 2013
Page 2

WH City Council Priorities/Windy Hills Green: The priorities as approved by the City Council were discussed – outline pathway, establish water source, plant canopy trees, landscape south side of property, fence along Rudy Lane and Brownsboro Road.

Updates: Walking tour of Whitehall will take place at 1:00 on Sunday, October 20, led by Mike Hayman. Terese reported that Lawnco has taken over the watering of newly planted trees;

The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 P.M.

Cheryl Cooper, Secretary

Next Meeting: Thursday, October 3, 2013, 4:00 P.M.

Please note new location of our meeting – Commonwealth Bank & Trust Company, 286 N. Hubbards Lane. Enter through the main doors from the front parking lot and go downstairs. Please park either on the side or in the back of the bank.

Please Note: Any member who sees a discrepancy between the minutes and what occurred at the meeting, or who sees a need for additional notes or corrections should contact the Secretary, Cheryl Cooper at or call her, 897-1152. Your approval of these minutes is granted unless the Secretary hears otherwise from you.