City Clerk December 5, 2017

Minutes April 10, 2017

Minutes of Regular Council Meeting
April 10, 2017

The Council and Officers of the City of Windy Hills met at the Sojourn Community Church, 2501 Rudy Lane, at 7:00 P.M. Mayor Ising called the meeting to order.

ROLL CALL: The following were present:

E. James Ising Helen Davis Sandy Moore
Kate Greer (Absent) Jim Hodge
Lou Phillips Steve Teaford
Marianne Rademaker
Mike Skelton
Suzanne Spencer


Councilwoman Rademaker moved to approve the minutes of the March 13, 2017 council meeting; seconded by Councilman Skelton and approved unanimously.


The financial reports for March, 2017 were moved for approval by Councilman Skelton seconded by Councilwoman Davis and approved unanimously.

Councilwoman Davis moved to approve the March bills, totaling $45,662.43 and was seconded by Councilwoman Rademaker. The motion passed unanimously.



Finance/Ordinances: Councilwoman Davis reported that Code Enforcement Officer, Steve Teaford, Attorney Jim Hodge, Mayor Ising, City Clerk/Treasurer, Sandy Moore and herself reviewed the 10 failed inspections of the 37 registered rental properties. She also stated a letter will be sent to all the property owners notifying them if they had passed or failed inspection, stating if failed, the owner has 10 business days to correct the problems. She also stated that she and Steve Teaford will meet to identify the rental properties that have not registered.

Councilwoman Davis also reported that she has been analyzing the financials for the past 3 years in preparation for the upcoming fiscal year budget.

She also gave an update to the VA hospital, stating that the EIS report has not be released as expected. The committee is continuing its outreach to veterans and trying to secure funds for a possible law suit. The next meeting is mid-May.

Code Enforcement: Code Enforcement Officer, Steve Teaford, stated he had delivered the March report and asked if there were any questions/comments. There were none.

Community Caring/Health & Fitness/Welcome to Windy Hills: Councilwoman Spencer stated there were 6 new residents. She also reported that there was one new plaque ordered for I. G. Spencer. She had no report for the Community Caring Team or the Health and Fitness Committee. She inquired if tax deduction letters are being sent out to donors of trees/plaques for the Green. The Clerk made note and will proceed with donation letters in the future, but no one had requested one since the initial Green donation program.

Community Events/Newsletter/Tree Board: Councilwoman Greer was absent, but the Mayor reported that the City had received approval from Sojourn Community Church to hold the Annual 4th of July Picnic at their facility. The next newsletter will have the details. It was also pointed out that the office number for the Graymoor/Devondale Police should be included in the newsletter and an article to promote the Municipal Insurance Premium Tax should be included as well.

Public Works: Councilman Phillips reported that the Garbage Contract will only include two bids – one for twice weekly pickup and one for once weekly pickup. He also reported that he has looked at streets for paving for the upcoming season. Councilman Phillips also stated he has been working on the Ordinance Codification and is in the process of finding out what the next step is. He also stated he would like to see a tax rate reduction for the 2017/2018 budget.

Safety/Real Estate Signs: Councilwoman Rademaker reported that the Graymoor/Devondale Police department patrolled 103 hours with 17.4 hours spent on radar (13.30 on Ambridge and 4.1 on Rudy), resulting in 2 warnings and 1 citation on Ambridge. One citation was written on Rudy. A warning citation was issued at the rear of the Brownsboro Center for abandoning a car on the public right of way. There were investigations on Rudy Lane and Highfield Road, suspicious vehicles at Wicklow/Antrim and Merrified, and a suspicious person on Southview. Kids were running through yards and jumping fences on Highfield. Three homes were on house watch, a burglar alarm went off on Tottenham, and the police helped a stranded motorist at Rudy Ln and Brownsboro Rd. Mayor Ising reported that Graymoor/Devondale Police have acquired their own electronic speed warning signs and would begin using them soon. These are state of the art technology offering more options.

Windy Hills Green/City Beautification: Councilman Skelton reported that a log may have been located for the new Rudy Bear carving. Councilwoman Rademaker made a motion to spend up to $1,000 to have the log moved, if the log is deemed appropriate for caring. The motion was seconded by Councilman Skelton and passed unanimously.


Second Reading of Ordinance 8, Series 2016-2017 relating to Pods: Councilwoman Davis made a motion to have the Second Reading and was seconded by Councilwoman Spencer. The motion passed unanimously. Attorney Hodge read Ordinance #8, Series 2016-2017 relating to Pods. Councilman Phillips made a motion to approve Ordinance #8, Series 2016/2017 and was seconded by Councilwoman Davis. The Ordinance was approved with a voice vote of 5 Ayes and 1 Absent as follows:

Councilwoman Greer – Absent                                           Councilwoman Rademaker – Aye
Councilwoman Spencer – Aye                                            Councilman Phillips – Aye
Councilwoman Davis – Aye                                                 Councilman Skelton – Aye

Second Reading of Ordinance 9, Series 2016-2017 relating to Dumpsters: Councilman Skelton made a motion to have the Second Reading and was seconded by Councilman Phillips. The motion passed unanimously. Attorney Hodge read Ordinance #9, Series 2016-2017 relating to Dumpsters. Councilwoman Davis made a motion to approve Ordinance #9, Series 2016/2017 and was seconded by Councilman Phillips. The Ordinance was approved with a voice vote of 5 Ayes and 1 Absent as follows:

Councilwoman Greer – Absent                                             Councilwoman Rademaker – Aye
Councilwoman Spencer – Aye                                               Councilman Phillips – Aye
Councilwoman Davis – Aye                                                   Councilman Skelton – Aye

Waste Management Contract Expires June, 2017: Councilman Phillips stated the bid opening will be on May 1.

Pavers at Rudy Lane and Two Springs: Councilman Skelton reported that the pavers and bushes had been removed. He stated the estimate to have a sidewalk built would exceed $3,000. No further action taken.

Website: Councilman Skelton stated the website needs to be updated/re-done. He suggested the web-master, Joe Harwell be contacted.


Budget 2017/2018: Councilwoman Davis is gathering information (see her report under Finance/Ordinances).

Metro Waste Management Lawsuit: City Attorney, Jim Hodge reported that all Cities are subject to a suit by Metro Louisville regarding House bill 246 – regarding to the handling of trash including plastic waste bags and reorganizing the method of handling these. The Jefferson County League of Cities is answering for all 82 Cities with an “Opt Out” privilege in case it gets too expensive. Minimum cost is $1,000 and add the “Opt Out” privilege. He said that the City would want to support the bill. Councilwoman Davis made a motion to pay $1,000 with the “Opt Out” privilege for the home rule suit. Councilwoman Spencer seconded the motion and passed unanimously.


MAYOR’S REPORT: Mayor Ising reported that the Brightside cleanup will be on Saturday at 9:00 am, meeting at Stock Yard Bank parking lot. He also complimented Adam Vogelsang, the City’s landscaper, on the beautiful flowering and budding trees along Ambridge. He stated he attended a public meeting, with Angela Leet, regarding the future of Westport Road. He stated they will be adding a right turn lane at Ormbsy and Westport. He stated the City received a thank you from Brightside for the contribution the City made for the City’s quadrant along the intersection of the Watterson and Westport Rd. He also reported a complaint he received that the gateway entrances at Foeburn and Ambridge along Westport Road that they are hard to read in both the sunlight and at night.


Councilman Phillips moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:38 P.M., seconded by Councilman Skelton and the motion passed unanimously.

__¬_____ __________________              _______________________
E. James Ising, Mayor                                Sandy Moore, City Clerk