City Clerk April 8, 2019

Minutes, March, 2016


Minutes of Regular Council Meeting

March 14, 2016

The Council and Officers of the City of Windy Hills met at the Sojourn Community Church, 2501 Rudy Lane, at 7:00 P.M.  Mayor Ising called the meeting to order.

ROLL CALL:  The following were present:

MAYOR                                   COUNCIL MEMBERS               OTHER CITY OFFICIALS

E. James Ising                          Helen Davis (absent)               Sandy Moore

                                                 Kate Greer                             Carrie Ritsert 

                                                Lou Phillips                              Steve Teaford

                                                Marianne Rademaker           

                                                Mike Skelton

           Suzanne Spencer


Councilwoman Greer moved to approve the minutes of the February 8, 2016 regular council meeting; seconded by Councilman Phillips and approved unanimously.


The financial reports for February, 2016 were moved for approval by Councilman Skelton, seconded by Councilwoman Spencer and approved unanimously.

Councilwoman Rademaker moved to approve the February bills, totaling $43,007.27 and was seconded by Councilwoman Greer.  The motion passed unanimously.

RESIDENTS’ COMMENTS/CONCERNS:  Becky Ricketts with Senior Care Experts addressed the Council regarding the City’s annual donation.  They have requested a $5,000 donation for 2016.  Ms. Ricketts also offered use of their space for our Council Meetings if there was ever a space conflict with Sojourn.


Finance/Ordinances:  No Report.

Code Enforcement:  Steve Teaford reported he has been keeping on top of the vacant house at 4320 Rudy Lane.  He also stated that he had the finalized Code Enforcement letter and would like the Council’s approval.

Community Caring/Health & Fitness/Welcome to Windy Hills:   Councilwoman Spencer stated she has distributed 59 Emergency Contact Questionnaires and the Committee is working on an emergency plan for residents.  Health and Fitness Committee arranged for a newsletter article regarding insect/mosquito repellants.  She also stated there have been three additional memorial plaques requested.  She also reported there were 9 home sales this month with fewer than half having moved in. 

Community Events/Newsletter/Tree Board:  Councilwoman Greer reported that the plans for the 4th of July look promising in regards to planning with the new Sojourn Community Church.  She will be meeting with them after the Easter holiday.  She also stated the next newsletter deadline is May 25 so the newsletter will be out in plenty of time for the 4th of July celebrations.  Councilwoman Greer also reported that the Tree Board has met with and have an agreement with Otte Landscaping on Bardstown Rd., Wallitsch Nursery on Hikes Lane and Plant Kingdom on Westport Rd. for trees for the City.  She stated the annual Windy Hills Arbor Day celebration will be on April 17 from 3-4:30 with an education program to feature a pruning demo.

Public Works:  See New Business

Safety/Real Estate Signs:  Councilwoman Rademaker read the report she had prepared and handed out to the Council.  She stated that Graymoor-Devondale Police patrolled for 103.47 hours.  14.18 hours of this time was radar enforcement (12.9 on Ambridge and 1.39 on Rudy) resulting in 17 warnings and 2 citations on Ambridge; 1 warning and 4 citations were issued on Rudy Lane.  No parking tickets were issued.  A suspicious vehicle was reported on Ambridge near Rudy Ln.  Burglar alarms went off on Indian Ridge and Coach Gate, both unfounded.  One residence was on house watch.  Officers assisted EMS with a case of heroin withdrawal and an overdose on Indian Ridge.  They also took three minors home after being kicked off a TARC bus at Brownsboro and Rudy.

Windy Hills Green/City Beautification:  No Report. 


Goal Setting for 2016:  The Mayor stated that this would be further discussed in April.

Other:  Councilman Skelton reported there are 215 Reach Alert members at this time. 


Fourth of July considerations:  Mayor Ising stated he will know more at the Council meeting in April.  He has received a letter from Sojourn and will meet with them after the Easter holiday.

Free Stack Walls and Trees:  Councilman Phillips reported he had contacted Tom Johnson with Keystone Restorations and is waiting to hear back from him regarding the free stack stone wall on Old Stone Lane.  Based on Council direction he will get estimates to make repairs in several areas where the wall has badly deteriorated for “free stack” without mortar and a repair using mortar that has the appearance of free stack.  He will also try to find out if the wall is a landmark and if it is what kind of restoration is possible.  Regarding the two decayed trees on the Green property line, Caroline Westfall, the City’s Arborist could send a letter to the homeowner to inform them of the declining trees.

ATTORNEY’S REPORT:   Attorney Ritsert reported that she will be placing a lien on the properties that are delinquent in paying their property taxes.

MAYOR’ REPORT:  Mayor Ising reported that the City has received the Tree City Designation again this year.  He also stated that the Google services is still moving along.  In addition, he mentioned that the parking situation at Sojourn is somewhat of a mess due to the weather, but Sojourn is trying to come up with a temporary solution.  He also stated that Metro Louisville is working on a program to have just one contractor to supply recycling for all of Metro Louisville.  He reminded all of the Council of the upcoming KLC City Officials Academy and to let the Clerk know if they would like to attend.  Lastly, he reported that Tony Lindaur will be at the next JCLC meeting.

Comments/Questions to the Council as a Whole:  None

Councilwoman Rademaker moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:03 P.M., seconded by Councilwoman Greer and the motion passed unanimously.

E. James Ising, Mayor                                                                         Sandy Moore, City Clerk