City Clerk January 16, 2019

Minutes, October 8, 2018


Minutes of Regular Council Meeting

October 8, 2018

The Council and Officers of the City of Windy Hills met at the Sojourn Community Church, 2501 Rudy Lane, at 7:00 P.M.  Mayor Ising called the meeting to order.

ROLL CALL:  The following were present:


E. James Ising Helen Davis Sandy Moore
Kate Greer Jim Hodge
Lou Phillips Steve Teaford
Marianne Rademaker (Absent)
Mike Skelton
Suzanne Spencer



Councilwoman Greer moved to approve the minutes of the September 10, 2018 Council meeting; seconded by Councilman Phillips and approved unanimously.


The financial reports for September, 2018 were moved for approval by Councilwoman Davis, and seconded by Councilman Skelton and approved unanimously.

Councilwoman  Davis moved to approve the September bills, totaling $110,312.83 and was seconded by Councilwoman Spencer.  The motion passed unanimously.

RESIDENTS’ COMMENTS/CONCERNS:  Residents, Bill and Brandy Norton addressed the Council stating that they support the City wide Recycle program.  They suggested weekly pickup and trash twice weekly is unnecessary.  They would like to have tops to the recycle bins so everything would be contained in them.


Finance/Ordinances:  Councilwoman Davis read the report she had previously handed out to the Council.  She reported that she attended the KY League of Cities Conference, focusing on the finance/legal workshops.  She stated that if a contractor bills the City for work done that the City collects reimbursement from the resident that we have to file the sales tax the contractor has to charge.  The City will, therefore, have to open up a sales tax account and report those monies collected.  She also stated that she learned that Metro is rewriting their rental and temporary rental ordinances changing their passive registrations to a required registration (similar to  ours).  She also reported that she and Steve Teaford, our Code Enforcement Officer attended Graymoor/Devondale’s City Council Meeting to request authorization to join the ordinance appeals board.  There is a resolution to this subject up for vote later in the meeting.

Code Enforcement:  Steve Teaford, the City’s Code Enforcement Officer, reported that the property at #9 Pin Oak has accumulated a fine of $1,150  due to a junk issue.  He has spoken to our Attorney, Jim Hodge, who has recommended that the City invoke a partial penalty of $200 and $950 balance if they do not comply with the Ordinance for two years.  Councilwoman Greer made a motion to have the residents at #9 Pin Oak to pay a $200 (due now) and $950 if they do not comply with the Ordinance for the next two years.  The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Davis and passed unanimously.  Attorney Hodge will write a letter to the residents to inform them of this decision.  Mr. Teaford also reported that the rental property at 1006 Chesham Rd. has not made the required repairs to the property for it to be within our City Codes.  Councilman Phillips made a motion to file a lien on the property at 1006 Chesham Rd. and was seconded by Councilwoman Davis.  The motion passed unanimously.  Attorney Hodge will file the lien and forward a copy to City Hall for our records.  Mr. Teaford also reported on the property at 606 Southview that is not in compliance with the Metro Ordinance regarding driveway widths.  Councilwoman Greer made a motion to have the property owner at 606 Southview reduce his driveway to 26 ft as per Metro Ordinance and was seconded by Councilwoman Davis.  The motion passed with the following vote:

Helen Davis – Aye Kate Greer – Aye Lou Phillips – Abstain
Marianne Rademaker (Absent) Mike Skelton – Nay Suzanne Spencer – Abstain

Being a tie, Mayor Ising vote Aye.  Attorney Hodge will write a letter to the resident at 606 Southview to inform him that he must reduce the width of  his driveway.

Community Caring/Health & Fitness/Welcome to Windy Hills:   Councilwoman Spencer reported that there are 5 new residents.  She stated that the Tai-Chi portion of the Ice Cream Social (make up) had to be cancelled  due to previous commitments.  She hopes to have the program on a future date.  She also stated that there are two new plaques installed on the Green.

Community Events/Newsletter/Tree Board:   Councilwoman Greer stated the next newsletter deadline will be November 11.  She stated that the Arbor Day/Ice Cream Social celebration had to be postponed one week  due to rain.  She said she would print the scavenger hunt answers, as everyone had a difficult time finding the items.  She also reported that the Glow on the Green will be held on November 25.

Public Works:  Councilman Phillips reported the work was finished to repair sidewalks and curbs and he reported that Wilson Farms and Greenhouse is the company that will repair the landscaping from the work LG&E did at the Signature Entrance at Rudy Lane and Brownsboro Rd. at no cost to the City.

Police Liaison/Real Estate Signs:  No Report.

Windy Hills Green/City Beautification:  Councilman Skelton reported that the fence post at Foeburn and Westport Road has been removed.


Recycling Update:  Councilman Phillips suggested that the Council vote on how long to continue the trial before making recycling permanent.  Councilwoman Greer made a motion to have the City wide recycling every other Wednesday through this Fiscal Year (June 30, 2019), at which time a new contract will be specified and bid.  Councilwoman Davis seconded the motion  and passed unanimously.  Councilwoman Davis asked the Council to include in the records that she is and has been in favor of Recycling because some residents thought she was opposed.

Communications Service Franchise Ordinance, Ord #2, Series 2018-2019:  Councilwoman Greer made a motion for Attorney Hodge to have the second reading of Ord. #2, Series 2018-2019.  Her motion was seconded by Councilwoman Davis and passed unanimously.  Attorney Hodge proceeded with the second reading summary of Ordinance #2, Series 2018-2019.  Councilwoman Davis made a motion to adopt Ordinance #2, Series 2108-2019 and was seconded by Councilwoman Spencer.  The motion passed with the following vote:

Helen Davis – Aye Kate Greer – Aye Lou Phillips – Aye
Marianne Rademaker (Absent) Mike Skelton – Aye Suzanne Spencer – Aye

Code Enforcement Board Participation:  Councilwoman Greer made a motion to accept Resolution #2, Series 2018-2109 regarding the City having representation at the Graymoor/Devondale Ordinance Appeals Board.  The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Davis and passed unanimously.

Code of Ordinance Codification update from American Legal Publishing Corp.:  Councilwoman Greer made a motion to have a Special Meeting on October 23, 2018 at 1:00 pm for the purpose of the Council to review the Codification Book.  The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Davis and passed unanimously.

Rental Ordinance Ordinance #1, Series 2018-2019 Second Reading:  Councilwoman Greer made a motion for Attorney Hodge to have the second reading of Ord. #1, Series 2018-2019.  Her motion was seconded by Councilwoman Davis and passed unanimously.  Attorney Hodge proceeded with the second reading summary of Ordinance #1, Series 2018-2019.  Councilwoman Davis made a motion to adopt Ordinance #1, Series 2108-2019 and was seconded by Councilman Phillips.  The motion passed with the following vote:

Helen Davis – Aye Kate Greer – Aye Lou Phillips – Aye
Marianne Rademaker (Absent) Mike Skelton – Aye Suzanne Spencer – Aye

Other:  Councilwoman Greer stated there will be a Tree Board meeting on Thursday, October 11, 2018.


Rudy Lane Bench:  Councilwoman Greer made a motion to have a bench similar to the other benches throughout the City to honor the outgoing Mayor, Jim Ising placed on Rudy Lane near the Kirkwood Glen Development.  Her motion was seconded by Councilman Skelton and passed unanimously.

Other:  Councilman Skelton would like to add two items to the website (under Frequently Asked Questions) – an additional paragraph regarding repaving or changing your driveway in relation to the Right of Way and add the permit form that includes the additional verbiage that 3 feet wide wings on each side of the drive in addition to the maximum driveway width and also add under “What City ordinances/regulations are most likely to affect my life”  this verbiage:  “These are exclusive of  any Metro Regulations affecting your use.”


MAYOR’S REPORT:  Mayor Ising stated the Brightside cleanup will be Saturday, October 20, 2018 at 9 am, meeting at the Stock Yard Bank parking lot.  He also stated that the Audit review will be at the November meeting with our Auditors presenting the Audit.  He reported that all candidates running for City Office must have “Paid for by” on their advertisements.  He reported that he attended the September JCLC meeting with Sen. Ernie Harris and Rep. Jerry Miller presenting on the topic of transportation issues.  He encouraged the Council to attend these meetings as they are a great learning opportunity.  Mayor Ising also stated that River Fields is having a tour of the Edwards-Herr House Grounds on Sunday, November 4 at 1:30 pm and the cost is $25 for non-members.  He wished all good luck in the upcoming elections.

Comments/Questions to the Council as a Whole:  None

Councilwoman Greer moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 P.M., seconded by Councilman Phillips and the motion passed unanimously.



__­_____          __________________                                                ­­­­­_______________________

E. James Ising, Mayor Sandy Moore, City Clerk