City Clerk September 12, 2018

Minutes July 9, 2018


Minutes of Regular Council Meeting

July 9, 2018

The Council and Officers of the City of Windy Hills met at the Sojourn Community Church, 2501 Rudy Lane, at 7:00 P.M.  Mayor Ising called the meeting to order.

ROLL CALL:  The following were present:

E. James Ising Helen Davis Sandy Moore
Kate Greer Jim Hodge
Lou Phillips Steve Teaford
Marianne Rademaker
Mike Skelton
Suzanne Spencer



Councilwoman Greer moved to approve the minutes of the June 11, 2018 Council meeting; seconded by Councilwoman Davis and approved unanimously.


The financial reports for June, 2018 were moved for approval by Councilwoman Davis, and seconded by Councilman Skelton and approved unanimously.

Councilman  Phillips moved to approve the June bills, totaling $55,570.45 and was seconded by Councilwoman Davis.  The motion passed unanimously.

RESIDENTS’ COMMENTS/CONCERNS:  Resident, Jodie Mudd thanked the Council for deciding to have a trial of Recycling for all residents in the City.  He asked when will it begin, if there will be larger recycling bins since it will be going from once a week to every other week and if a person already subscribes, will Waste Management automatically discontinue the billing.

Douglas Scott from The Healing Place addressed the Council, thanking them for their past donation and gave a funding need update.  He stated there is always a great need.


Finance/Ordinances:  Councilwoman Davis reported that after some research she has located two rental homes and a few other possible rentals.  She has passed the information on to Steve Teaford.  She thanked the City officials and staff for keeping city expenses to a minimum as it appears the City will end the 2017-2018 fiscal year with a surplus.  She will have an exact number in October after receiving the auditor’s report.

Code Enforcement:  Steve Teaford stated he will be meeting with Jim Hodge to review the revised Rental Ordinance and to tweak the Encroachment Ordinance.

Community Caring/Health & Fitness/Welcome to Windy Hills:   Councilwoman Spencer reported that there are 4 new residents.  She stated that she and Suzanne Ronniger created and handed out informational material dealing with Opioid and other addictive substances at the 4th of July Picnic.  She also stated that she is meeting with Jodie Mudd and Paula Barmore regarding Tai Chi routines on the Green.  She reported that she is working on two plaques on the Green.

Community Events/Newsletter/Tree Board:   Councilwoman Greer congratulated everyone for a successful 4th of July Picnic and Parade and thanked everyone for all the work they put in.  She stated the Tree Board will meet in August.  The next newsletter deadline is August 18 and will need all candidate’s bios by then (limiting the bios to 75 words).

Public Works:  Councilman Phillips reported the Council held the paving bid opening on Friday, July 6, receiving three bids.  See below for further details.  He also reported that he hired Adam Vogelsang to clean up the storm debris.

Police Liaison/Real Estate Signs:  Councilwoman Rademaker read the report she had previously distributed.  She stated that Graymoor/Devondale Police Department patrolled Windy Hills for 102.35 hours. 1.13 hours of radar time was spent on Ambridge, resulting in one warning.  Rudy Lane received about 21.14 hours of radar time six warnings.  House watches were in effect on Highfield, Kingslook, and Copperfield.  Parking warnings were given on Indian Ridge and Kinglan and a citation was issued on Copperfield.  Extra patrols were done on Copperfield and Jonlyn Court, a suspicious white van was reported on Indian Ridge and a homeowner set off an alarm on Two Springs.  An investigation was done on East Gate concerning a parking ticket.  Two suspicious persons were reported on the Green – turned out to be nothing and a possible homeless camp was investigated at 2501 Brownsboro Rd.

Windy Hills Green/City Beautification:  Mayor Ising stated how beautiful the flowers at the Rudy Lane signature entrance are.


Recycling Update:  Councilman Phillips reported that he will call Waste Management to get the most recent update.

Telecommunication Franchises:  Attorney Hodge reported that Metro is reconsidering their initial decision and he is waiting to see what that decision is.

Independence Day Celebration Results:  Councilwoman Greer stated the Picnic was a huge success even with the hot weather.  She reported that the caterer did an excellent job and most preferred this caterer over the last one.  Everyone also like the new ice cream flavors that Haywood’s Dairy added this year – Bourbon and Run Raisin.  Kate also stated that this year she added a rented tent to supply some shade.  Next year they will shorten the length of the event and have more tables inside.  She again thanked everyone for all their help.

Code Enforcement Board Participation:  Attorney Hodge reported that our petition has been made to Graymoor/Devondale and he is currently waiting on their decision for us to join this Board.


Community Standards Committee – Municipal Order:  Resolution No 1, Series 2018-2019 – to set up a Community Standards Committee.  Councilwoman Greer made a motion to approve Municipal Order and was seconded by Councilwoman Davis.  The motion passed with a unanimous vote.

Road Paving Bids:  Councilman Phillips reported that he and Code Enforcement Officer opened the three bids received on Friday, July 6 at 10:00.  There were no representatives present from the bidding companies.  Hall Construction was the highest bidder at $43,158, Libs Paving was next bidder at $39,520, and Mac Construction was lowest at $38,733.  After some discussion, Councilwoman Rademaker made a motion to award the paving bid to Libs paving due to the favorable experience the City has had with them in the past and the bid being just $787 over the lowest bidder.  Her motion was seconded by Councilwoman Spencer and approved with a split vote as follows:

Helen Davis – Abstain Kate Greer – Aye Lou Phillips – Abstain
Marianne Rademaker – Aye Mike Skelton – No Suzanne Spencer – Aye
Mayor Ising – breaking the tie with an Aye


MAYOR’S REPORT:  Mayor Ising thanked Councilman Phillips for being Mayor Pro tem in his absence on vacation.

Comments/Questions to the Council as a Whole:  None

Councilwoman Greer moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:54 P.M., seconded by Councilwoman Rademaker and the motion passed unanimously.

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E. James Ising, Mayor Sandy Moore, City Clerk