City Clerk June 11, 2018

Minutes April 9, 2018


Minutes of Regular Council Meeting

April 9, 2018

The Council and Officers of the City of Windy Hills met at the Sojourn Community Church, 2501 Rudy Lane, at 7:00 P.M.  Mayor Ising called the meeting to order.

ROLL CALL:  The following were present:


E. James Ising Helen Davis Sandy Moore
Kate Greer Jim Hodge
Lou Phillips Steve Teaford (absent)
Marianne Rademaker
Mike Skelton
Suzanne Spencer



Councilwoman Greer moved to approve the minutes of the March 12, 2018 Council meeting; seconded by Councilwoman Spencer and approved unanimously.


The financial reports for March, 2018 were moved for approval by Councilman Skelton, and seconded by Councilwoman Rademaker and approved unanimously.

Councilwoman  Davis moved to approve the March bills, totaling $52,643.63 and was seconded by Councilman Skelton.  The motion passed unanimously.

RESIDENTS’ COMMENTS/CONCERNS:  Resident, Wendy Mains, of Jonlyn Ct, addressed the Council with concerns about the landscaped circle on their court.  She stated that since it has been re-landscaped with new plants and rocks, the plants are dying due to lack of water and people are running over the plants and rocks.  She stated there is not enough room to maneuver around it with their cars and garbage and delivery trucks as well.  She would like the whole landscaped circle to be removed and paved over.  One of her residents would just like the tree in the center.  Councilwoman Rademaker stated that most residents like it that the City is proactive with landscaping areas.  Mayor Ising stated that the City will look into the issue.

Joyce Bridge addressed the Council to Thank the City for the donation to Family Court.  It was greatly appreciated.

Karen Berg, democrat candidate running for Senator introduced herself and stated she is fiscally conservative, concerned about the State medical insurance needs and gun control.  She passed out information and asked that anyone that would like to support her campaign by placing a sign in their yard, to let her know.


 Finance/Ordinances:  Councilwoman Davis reported that she is currently working on the budget and doing rental follow-up.  She also stated that the Wexford Place house has been cleaned up.

Code Enforcement:  No report.

Community Caring/Health & Fitness/Welcome to Windy Hills:   Councilwoman Spencer reported that there are 5 new residents.  She also reported that there is a pending plaque for the Green (a bush for her late husband).  She stated that she is working with Paula Barmore, from Anoosh Nosh) on a possible Health and Fitness Event relating to Tai Chi on the Green as well as a possible art show.  She had nothing to report on Community Caring.

Community Events/Newsletter/Tree Board:   Councilwoman Greer reported that Arbor Day will be the following Sunday, but stated it will be rescheduled if it rains.  The next newsletter deadline will be on May 18.

Public Works:  Councilman Phillips reported that the electrical outlet by the bear on the Green should be installed soon.

Police Liaison/Real Estate Signs:  Councilwoman Rademaker read the report she had previously distributed.  She stated that Graymoor/Devondale Police Department patrolled Windy Hills for 102.3 hours. 8.5 hours of radar time was spent on Ambridge, resulting in three citations and two warnings.  Rudy Lane received 3 hours of radar time, resulting in one citation and one warning.  An additional citation was issued at Hubbards Lane and Rudy.  The parking citations issued were:  Clerkenwell (4); Chepstaw Ct (1), Windhurst Ct. (2), Tottenham (1), Windsong Way (1), and Indian Ridge (1).  Warnings were given on Bonfire and Chelsea.  an abandoned vehicle (4days) was towed on Ambridge.  There were parking problems on Foeburn due to a party.  House watches include:  Indian Ridge, Highfield, and Grassy Fork.  There was a home invasion on Kingslook (no details given).  Other issues included:  warrant on Indian Ridge, directed patrols on Falgate Ct., a semi parked on Ambridge and a Spectrum solicitor reported, and a non-injury accident at the Methodist Church.

Windy Hills Green/City Beautification:  Councilman Skelton reported that spring (fertilizing, grass work, etc) work is being done on the Green.  He said he and Lou Phillips will take a look at the court on Jonlyn Court.


 Encroachment Resolution :  Attorney Hodge read Resolution No 2, Series 2017/2018 into record relating to Driveway encroachments.  Councilwoman Greer made a motion to approve the resolution and was seconded by Councilwoman Rademaker.  The motion was passed unanimously.

Telecommunications Franchise Issues (Charter, Google, AT&T):  Attorney Hodge reported that there is nothing new to report that JCLC is watching Metro’s progress and will receive recommendation after Metro’s decision.


Recycling Considerations:  Mayor Ising stated that the issue was discussed at the Caucus meeting, stating that all of the Council members take part in recycling – most take to the recycling center.  He also stated that currently there are 205 signed up for recycling pointing out that that is not a high percentage of our 1200 residences.  Councilman Phillips has done some work on it and they concluded that with a cost of $33,000 for the whole year it was hard to justify the expense for such a low participation.  The current contract is up in a year.  Councilman Skelton stated he talked to Waste Management and is in favor of every 2 weeks at a cost of $22,000.  He also stated that Waste Management would be willing to do a trial period for $6K – $7K.  Councilwoman Davis said she would be willing to analyze for the budget affect and also stated that she wasn’t aware that it would be discussed at this meeting.  She needs to see how much the revenue will go up.  Councilwoman Rademaker stated she would rather take her recycling to the center for convenience.  Bruce Blue, a resident, stated he has worked in the recycling industry for many years and offered to meet with the City regarding this subject.  He stated that the City may want to inquire with Waste Management if they would pay the City back for some of the recycling materials that they get reimbursed for.


MAYOR’S REPORT:  Mayor Ising stated the City received a thank you from the Volunteers of America for the City’s Contribution.  He reported that there was an article in the last newsletter regarding running for Council/Mayor and asked if any of the Council had heard of any interested people.  He also reported that Brightside Cleanup would be the following Saturday.  He will pick up supplies.  He sated he will be attending the District 7 Mayor’s Advisory Council Meeting on April 25th and asked if anyone had any issues or concerns they would like addressed.

Comments/Questions to the Council as a Whole:  Bruce Blue stated he is concerned about a truck that parks on Two Springs during the day that could possibly cause a wreck.

Jodi Mudd expressed his views on recycling, stating that it seems it’s a matter of money and convenience.  He said that you could use a 50 gallon can on wheels and put an emblem on it to signify that it contains recycling, not trash.

Councilwoman Greer moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 P.M., seconded by Councilwoman Rademaker and the motion passed unanimously.

__­_____          __________________                                                ­­­­­_______________________

E. James Ising, Mayor Sandy Moore, City Clerk