The Goal of our snow removal service is to keep our streets passable and as safe as possible in view of the circumstances. We salt the hills and intersections in the City and plow when necessary to keep the streets open. Caution, however, should always be used.
We do not work on Rudy Lane or Brownsboro Road because they are not City Streets.

In view of the size of the City, all streets can’t be treated at the same time; however we do pre-treat when possible in anticipation of a storm. It’s the same with plowing in that all streets can’t be plowed at the same time, and we recognize everybody would like to be first. Depending on the circumstances, all streets may not be plowed. The key is that a flat street is usually passable with caution, even if not down to the blacktop. Again, the amount of traffic and the sun also affect the road surface.
It should also be noted that we don’t wait for all of the snow to be on the ground before starting to work as we expect our contractor to work throughout the night as necessary.
A side effect of plowing is that the snow is pushed to the right and often blocks driveways. This can’t be helped and it falls on the homeowner to clear the access to the street.
We hope to have a light year for snow and ice but we do hope this explains our process for keeping our streets open.