ARPA – the American Relief Plan Act
The City of Windy Hills ARPA Committee meets monthly.
City of Windy Hills
Resolution No. 1
Series 2022-2023
This resolution sets out the policy to be followed by the Windy Hills ARPA Committee in recommending the disbursement of ARPA funds. Recommended projects should have city wide impact. Projects should benefit all of the city or a part of the city. Suggestions could, perhaps, come from a neighborhood group on behalf of a specific area of the city. All proposals should be presented to the ARPA Committee at least ten days prior to a council meeting for possible recommendation to the Windy Hills City Council. All final decisions will be made by the full council.
This resolution adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held this September 12, 2022.
American Rescue Plan Funds Report
At its October 11, 2021 meeting, the Windy Hills City Council approved the following statement about its intention for the expenditure of American Rescue Plan Act Funding.
The City of Windy Hills intends to use its American Rescue Plan: Local Fiscal Recovery Funds for investments in 1. Stormwater projects which will have a positive water quality benefit and/or water conservation and efficiency; 2. Public parks, plazas, and other outdoor recreation improvements which are tools to healthier living especially for seniors and children; and 3. Assistance, in the form of grants, to small businesses and non-profits to mitigate the financial hardship from the public health emergency.
Following that intent, the Council has considered proposals from Windy Hills businesses and non-profits serving residents. It has also developed plans to utilize the major portion of the ARPA funds for city-wide impact projects such as installing a permeable surface on The Green walking path.
A small committee of three Council members, led by Councilwoman Marianne Rademaker, was appointed to review proposals and make recommendations to the Council.
Following the Council-approved criteria, the committee will consider proposals that have citywide impact or small projects submitted by neighborhood groups.